Calendar plugin for mac mail

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GérardLU suggesting setting up intricate system of syncs and uploads. could add support for it (I would even pay reasonable amount for it) but I don't see that happening seeing how they have another product, doing pretty much the same (O365) but properly, which is subscription based, not free.Īs an alternative, you may consider forwarding mail to google apps/gmail/yandex mail (free) or if you don't want O365 but want email only and/or have your own domain - Microsoft has Exchange Online service for $4/seat/month Īnd using the rest of the services (cal and contact) there - or as The original issue, which still stands, was that currently service lacks proper support of CalDAV, and CardDav, which every single half-decent email service in 2015 supports out of box.

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You can as well move to completely different service - does not have to be Microsoft - such as gmail, google apps, fastmail, online exchange, etc. Help to resolve the issue with the current product.

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LocutusEstBorg's comment is a bit off topic - suggesting to use different product does not